#FreeInterrail is a civil-society initiative that seeks to establish a broad alliance of professionals and non-professionals from different backgrounds, occupations, and countries in a shared demand for universal access to youth mobility in Europe. Independently of what our supporters in Brussels are doing, it is imperative that organizations, foundations, and EU citizens continue working together in order to underline the demand for a full implementation of #FreeInterrail.
We are happy to be working with anyone who wishes to do so and are looking forward to hearing from as many different perspectives as possible. Everyone is welcome to contribute, debate, and participate.
5 ways to support #FreeInterrail today
1. Sign the Change.Org petition and share it with your friends and family. More signatures mean more public awareness and may help to convince policy makers.
2. Like the #FreeInterrail Facebook page & follow the Twitter account. Same idea as above. Plus, that way we can grow a dynamic network of change-makers and supporters from all over Europe.
3. Use the hashtag #FreeInterrail when discussing this idea (even if it’s in a critical way). That way we can streamline the debate and make sure all perspectives and comments are heard and seen by everyone else.
4. If you are part of an organization that wants to or thinks about supporting #FreeInterrail, get in touch! We are looking forward to hearing from you and to be working together to make the idea better and more sustainable for everyone. Contact (at) freeinterrail.eu
5. Support organizations and politicians who in turn support #FreeInterrail. As straight forward as it sounds: #FreeInterrail will succeed if those people succeed who support it. We don’t ask you to simply vote or support based on #FreeInterrail, but it can be a contributing factor when choosing whom to vote for, which event to go to, or what organization to join.